Monday, January 23, 2012

Now Selling Knitted Flower Headbands :)

Hey Everyone J seeing as I’ve had so much fun making these lately I was going to see if anyone wanted buy one of my knitted headband creations!

Currently the yarn I have:

Fuzzy Yarns: Black
Pink mulitcolor (see picture: flower)
Marbled multicolor (pinks,greens,whites, hint of blue)

Regular Yarns:
Navy Blue
White (it's a bit glittery) 

I can make any band and flower mixture of your liking J Let me know if you’re interested and e-mail me @ and we can chat!

Superwoman-In-Training :)

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Kicking off the NEW YEAR a few days late...oh hey 2012!

Let me set the scene for you, you have your champagne ready, wearing your outfit you specifically bought for one night out and you were ready to toast to the new year and you wait patiently in the last five minutes, either staring at a TV screen or your local monument that ultimately shoots off fireworks, drops or blows off to welcome in the new year. All, you needed was for that clock to strike midnight and you’re home free, but then someone asked you the dreaded question: "What's your New Year's Resolution?" My thoughts: Resolution? I'm not making any resolutions, they're ridiculous. You said, " oh probably just Get in shape. Eat better. Don’t worry so much….!" It’s too late! The words were said and now you must resolve to commit or not commit.

So as everyone is speculating this might be the last year in existence, we have to make it a good one…and what’s a new year without resolutions? 

I’ve found the most popular resolutions, the funniest and even (much to my own dismay) made my own that I plan to keep. And, if you don't and the Mayan calendar extremists' predictions come true, it won't matter because we won't be here anyways so you're off the hook! :)

The key to making a good new year’s resolution is making one that you can ACTUALLY keep. Make sure it is something attainable and specific because if you make it broad and unrealistic you are only setting yourself up for disaster. If you’re running around like a chicken with your head cut off all the time between kids, school, work or any other thing you have going on, making it to the gym 7 days a week for 2 hours a day is probably not the best goal to set. Like I’ve said before, you don’t have to set goals or resolutions just because it’s a new year…do it FOR YOU!
Whatever you uncertainly or accidentally blurt out as your New Year's Resolution when the ball drops, stick to it. (also did anyone else know you’re supposed to say your resolutions right at midnight? I think everyone is too drunk to remember that.)
Consider doing something in 2012 that you've always wanted to do. It could be as small as going to a restaurant you've never been to, trying one or two new things even just learning a how to cook a certain dish. It doesn’t have to be spectacular, just special to you.

Now for the most common new year’s resolutions  

1.           Spend More Time with Family & Friends           
2.         Fit in Fitness, lose your tummy, pretty much every diet food weight loss on this earth
3.         Quit Smoking
4.         Enjoy Life More
5.          Quit Drinking
6.         Get Out of Debt
7.          Learn Something New
8.         Help Others
9.         Get a Better Education
10.    Get a Better Job
11.      Manage Stress
12.     Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle
13.     Save Money
14.     Take a Trip
15.     Volunteer to Help Others

 Now for the fun part....

Hilarious resolutions that would be fun to make and actually do, resolutions don’t have to be serious or anything they can be FUN too!

General Funny New Years Resolutions

  1. 1.   Stop drinking orange juice after I just brushed my teeth.
    2.   Stop licking frozen flag poles.
    3.   Only get divorced and remarried once this year
    4.   Watch more movie remakes.
    5.   Go back to school to avoid paying my student loans.
    6.   Only eat white snow
    7.   Keep it to myself that I have trouble with authority when I'm being interviewed.
    8.   Spend less than $1825 for coffee at Starbucks this year.
    9.   Claim all my pets as dependents on my taxes
    10.                Watch more cute and cuddly kitten videos on YouTube ( Seriously, look up cat jumps over gate its life changing)
    11.                 Check my work e-mail account at least once this year  Switch my username to “password” and my password to “username” to make each a lot harder for hackers to figure out
    12.                 Watch less T.V…. in standard definition
    13.                 Stop buying worthless junk on Ebay, because QVC has better specials (or as seen on TV, and you can only buy it on the TV not those as seen on TV sections in walmart because it is not nearly as satisfying)
    14.                 Start using Facebook for something other than Farmville and stupid quizzes
    15.                 Help kids stay safe by not texting on my cell phone while eating McDonald’s and speeding through crosswalks in school zones with a frost covered windshield
    16.                 Avoid fingertip soreness by learning to play “Rock Band,” instead of a real guitar Start a blog about how I would write more often if I had something important to write.
    17.                 Only make one blog entry and leave it published for years
    18.                 Talk with a robot voice all the time ( my favorite, I might attempt it haha)
    19.                 Lose weight by hiding it somewhere you'll never find it.
    20.                Buy new clothes big enough to account for next year's holidays
    21.                 Lose weight by inventing an anti-gravity machine
    22.                Lose weight by living on the moon
    23.                Find a more accurate scale
    24.                Build biceps by increasing reps of Ding Dong curls to 3 sets of 15
    25.                Stop buttering my doughnuts
    26.                Eat more fruit... snacks
Now for my new years resolutions..As much as I didn’t want to make some, I knew I probably should.

  1. Drink more water Sounds easy but I’m not a big water fan, it doesn’t taste like anything but my water to diet coke ratio has been WAY off
  2. Graduate College and Get a Job Haha seems like a copout but hey it’ll be an accomplishment
  3. Stress/worry/be a control freak less I’m working on it, it’s only been 10 days haha
  4. Run multiple 5k’s Looking forward to the warrior dash this summer!

Great quote I found today that really is the essence of new years and taking on the world 

"When life becomes more than you can stand, kneel."

Superwoman-In-Training :)

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Holy Schmoly- I'm a Slacker

So I broke my promise and went a month without blogging. eeeeek. I can feel the cobwebs beginning to form upon my page and the faint musty smell attics get setting in. Keeping a blog is like a relationship, you have to give it a lot of attention, only good thing about this is it can't get mad and break up with you when you've been a bit neglectful, in my defense I haven't really got anything out of this online love besides a few giggles to myself ;)

Fear no more, I'm back in action (and in a routine) so I will actually have purpose and structure in life again, I did enjoy my month off though. I realized ( Just at this moment) that, that was my LAST winter break ever, ew, I will be soon in the working world with no vacation in sight, yay mee!

COMING TOMORROW, the best and worst new years resolution, my new years resolution. Even though we're 8 days in, its never too late!

And, you are going to want to hang me by my toe nails and beat me with a wet noodle when you find out I have not started my 5K training...erm tomorrow morning it is :)

Catch ya on the flip side.

Superwoman-In-Training :)